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Learning environment

HomeLearning environment • Teddy care infants

Teddy care - Infants

Our Teddy Care infant rooms allow us to care for and nurture your baby around the clock, and have been designed with each child’s unique care routine in mind.

Active & quiet areas

Our Teddy Care rooms feature a secure soft cushioned activity area that allows children to explore safely and roll, shuffle and begin to crawl. Stimulating toys, textures, and safety mirrors encourages children to investigate and this area can also be transformed in to a calm and relaxing quiet time area with sensory lighting and bubbles. All support equipment is available in our Teddy Care rooms such as baby chairs, bouncers and activity tables.

Visibility & connectivity

Each classroom has been designed so that teachers and infants can see and hear each other at any given time. This allows for the best safety measures in our classrooms and means that our Teddys can receive the psychological security they need from the teacher’s presence.

Feeding area

Our dining areas provide the ability to change from a quiet and intimate environment, to a social and interactive space, and the facilities support your child’s feeding progress from the nursing and bottle-feeding stage, to experimenting with soft foods and finger foods.

Sleeping area

Our sleeping areas allow for infant’s cribs to be positioned so they are easily seen by our Teddy Care staff. We have created relaxing sleeping environments with soft lighting and soothing music to ensure our Teddys get the best quality nap time.

Personal care needs

Refrigeration facilities available within the room for storage of breast milk and baby food.

Food and bottle preparation area including sterilization and bottle warming appliances.

Clean and sterile diaper changing facilities.

Allocated storage areas for milk and food preparation and diaper changing needs, clearly labelled with each child’s name.

Allocated key worker.

Nursing area for breastfeeding mothers.

Feeding area and highchairs for weaning and tasting new foods.