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مرحباً بكم في حضانة تيدي بير

تأسَّست حضانة تيدي بير في أبوظبي عام 2008 كحضانة رائدة في مجال رعاية الطفولة والتعليم المبكر. نحن في الحضانة، نضع الطفل واحتياجاته على رأس قائمة أولوياتنا ونوفِّر الدعم اللازم للطفل في بداية رحلته التعليمية من خلال تنمية مهارات البحث والاستكشاف.

نفخر بكوننا جزء من مجموعة ليوا للتعليم، ونوفِّر للأطفال من عمر 45 يوماً إلى 4 سنوات تعليماً عالي الجودة خلال السنوات الأولى من عمرهم، وذلك من أجل مساعدتهم على تحقيق إمكاناتهم الكاملة في جميع مجالات التعلُّم.


قم بزيارة فروعنا

تقع فروع حضانة تیدي بیر في ال والبطین ومدینة محمد بن زاید والشامخة.

آراء أولياء الأمور

Dina Hernawati

Mom of Adriana

Adriana has been joining Teddy Bear Nursery Mushrif for 7 weeks, and we see that she is progressing a lot; the way she speaks, now less mixing between English and Spanish she is using many vocabularies in English. More socialized, before she was shy or maybe scare meeting new people. More independent, she wants to do things by her own, she always say I’ll do it by myself. Now, she likes to write and holds the pen properly, also she can color inside the forms; triangle, square, stars, circle, etc. Almost every day, she always say I like / lov ... للمزيد

Dina Hernawati

Mom of Adriana

Adriana has been joining Teddy Bear Nursery Mushrif for 7 weeks, and we see that she is progressing a lot; the way she speaks, now less mixing between English and Spanish she is using many vocabularies in English. More socialized, before she was shy or maybe scare meeting new people. More independent, she wants to do things by her own, she always say I’ll do it by myself. Now, she likes to write and holds the pen properly, also she can color inside the forms; triangle, square, stars, circle, etc. Almost every day, she always say I like / love my teacher (Ms. Naveen), and I like Ms. Delia. This makes us truly happy; it means that she could feel that the environment of the nursery is full of love, caring, comfort. After seeing her fast development in a short time, we are really satisfy with Teddy Bear. Not only has a good facilities but also has an incredible teachers, staffs more over the principal herself is so warm and friendly. Thank you very much.

Ashley Jackson

Mom of Yara

The team of teachers at TBN Mushrif are extremely friendly and caring. They have a positive relationship with my daughter and she looks forward to nursery daily. The ECA opportunities and educational activities provided for the children help to keep them at the center of their own learning. My daughter comes home every day and tells me all the things she did. I’m so glad both of our children have been able to attend such a wonderful facility. We have truly enjoyed this nursery school experience for our little ones. We will all be sad next y ... للمزيد

Ashley Jackson

Mom of Yara

The team of teachers at TBN Mushrif are extremely friendly and caring. They have a positive relationship with my daughter and she looks forward to nursery daily. The ECA opportunities and educational activities provided for the children help to keep them at the center of their own learning. My daughter comes home every day and tells me all the things she did. I’m so glad both of our children have been able to attend such a wonderful facility. We have truly enjoyed this nursery school experience for our little ones. We will all be sad next year when she will begin kg1 and leave TBN behind. Hoping for an afternoon after school option in the future.

Mariam Bader

Sultan Al Kaabi (MBZ)

The learning journey at Teddy Bear Nursery has been remarkable. Our child has flourished academically, socially, and emotionally. The nursery's curriculum is well-designed, offering a perfect balance between structured learning and play-based activities. I always want to see our child learn and acquire skills through play and through the pictures and my observations all activities and enriched. Our child eagerly looks forward to attending each day, excited to explore new concepts and engage with their peers.

Mariam Bader

Sultan Al Kaabi (MBZ)

The learning journey at Teddy Bear Nursery has been remarkable. Our child has flourished academically, socially, and emotionally. The nursery's curriculum is well-designed, offering a perfect balance between structured learning and play-based activities. I always want to see our child learn and acquire skills through play and through the pictures and my observations all activities and enriched. Our child eagerly looks forward to attending each day, excited to explore new concepts and engage with their peers.

Fatemeh Nasser

Saif Al Ali (MBZ)

I'm so grateful for the time my son spent. I see a huge difference in his attitude & behavior. I'm glad that he is enjoying his time & getting used to the routine. Thanks to all of you for your support. Special thanks to Ms. Bisma & Ms. Mariannita, for bearing with him & understanding his needs. Thanks to you too Ms. Yasmin for always comforting & relieving my doubts. My experience made me register him for the upcoming year too!

Fatemeh Nasser

Saif Al Ali (MBZ)

I'm so grateful for the time my son spent. I see a huge difference in his attitude & behavior. I'm glad that he is enjoying his time & getting used to the routine. Thanks to all of you for your support. Special thanks to Ms. Bisma & Ms. Mariannita, for bearing with him & understanding his needs. Thanks to you too Ms. Yasmin for always comforting & relieving my doubts. My experience made me register him for the upcoming year too!

Mother of Hind

Hind (MBZ)

From the moment she started at your nursery, we have seen her grow and thrive in so many wonderful ways. Your nurturing environment, creative activities, and patient guidance have helped her develop new skills and confidence. It is clear that you all put your hearts into what you do, and it shows in the smiles and laughter we see when she talks about her day.

Mother of Hind

Hind (MBZ)

From the moment she started at your nursery, we have seen her grow and thrive in so many wonderful ways. Your nurturing environment, creative activities, and patient guidance have helped her develop new skills and confidence. It is clear that you all put your hearts into what you do, and it shows in the smiles and laughter we see when she talks about her day.

Hessa Al Kaabi

Khalifa Aldaheri (MBZ)

العاملات جدا متعاونات و حنونات ؛حضانة متميزة

Hessa Al Kaabi

Khalifa Aldaheri (MBZ)

العاملات جدا متعاونات و حنونات ؛حضانة متميزة

Dr Mahra

Shamma (Al Mushrif)

Truly beyond happy with my daughter’s academic level. In addition, I can’t thank the nursery staff enough for providing absolute care to the kids. They’ve got very frequent fun activities which further enhances the kids social & academic skills.

Dr Mahra

Shamma (Al Mushrif)

Truly beyond happy with my daughter’s academic level. In addition, I can’t thank the nursery staff enough for providing absolute care to the kids. They’ve got very frequent fun activities which further enhances the kids social & academic skills.

Asma Al Mheiri

Abdullah (Al Mushrif)

This nursery truly stands out as an exceptional institution that goes above and beyond in every aspect.The curriculum at teddy bear nurseries is not only educational but also tailored to foster creativity and curiosity.Also, communication is very transparent and consistent. Regular updates on my child’s progress as well as events and activities.I wholeheartedly recommend teddy bear nurseries to any parent seeking an exceptional early childhood education. The impact on my child’s growth and development has been immeasurable and I am grateful ... للمزيد

Asma Al Mheiri

Abdullah (Al Mushrif)

This nursery truly stands out as an exceptional institution that goes above and beyond in every aspect.The curriculum at teddy bear nurseries is not only educational but also tailored to foster creativity and curiosity.Also, communication is very transparent and consistent. Regular updates on my child’s progress as well as events and activities.I wholeheartedly recommend teddy bear nurseries to any parent seeking an exceptional early childhood education. The impact on my child’s growth and development has been immeasurable and I am grateful for the dedicated team that makes this nursery truly exceptional

Dr Zubeida

Athari (Al Mushrif)

I love this nursery so much. The manager, teachers and TAs are super kind with all kids regardless. Very nice welcome in the morning and they know the name of my older kid. Their activities are fun and engaging and they really prepared my daughter for school. They are also very accessible starting from the wonderful receptionist to the teachers. I also love the balanced culture that suits everybody but maintains the Arabic, Islamic, Emirati identity.

Dr Zubeida

Athari (Al Mushrif)

I love this nursery so much. The manager, teachers and TAs are super kind with all kids regardless. Very nice welcome in the morning and they know the name of my older kid. Their activities are fun and engaging and they really prepared my daughter for school. They are also very accessible starting from the wonderful receptionist to the teachers. I also love the balanced culture that suits everybody but maintains the Arabic, Islamic, Emirati identity.

Mr Omar

Johanna (Al Mushrif)

The entire staff is both respectful and professional, ensuring that daily tasks are seamless. The bus supervisor always starts the day with a smile, instilling excitement in the children as they begin their day. The support staff go above and beyond, caring for our child with genuine affection and bright smiles.

Mr Omar

Johanna (Al Mushrif)

The entire staff is both respectful and professional, ensuring that daily tasks are seamless. The bus supervisor always starts the day with a smile, instilling excitement in the children as they begin their day. The support staff go above and beyond, caring for our child with genuine affection and bright smiles.

Ms Farah

Sanad (Al Mushrif)

مع انتهاء السنه الثانيه لابني سند موسى له بحضانه تيدي بير المشرف اريد ان اشكر الحضانه كادارة وطاقم التدريس عالمجهود الرائع المبذول لجعل هذه الروضه من افضل الاماكن التي تثري الاطفال تعليما وعاطفيا كما توفر نشاطات ترفيهيه وتعليميه متنوعه فهناك مواكبه دائما لما هو جديد ويخص الطفل واحتكاك مباشر مع الاه ... للمزيد

Ms Farah

Sanad (Al Mushrif)

مع انتهاء السنه الثانيه لابني سند موسى له بحضانه تيدي بير المشرف اريد ان اشكر الحضانه كادارة وطاقم التدريس عالمجهود الرائع المبذول لجعل هذه الروضه من افضل الاماكن التي تثري الاطفال تعليما وعاطفيا كما توفر نشاطات ترفيهيه وتعليميه متنوعه فهناك مواكبه دائما لما هو جديد ويخص الطفل واحتكاك مباشر مع الاهالي للعمل جنبا بجنب وتواصل دائما من خلال ورشات عمل . شكرا لكم

Ms Neda

Dana Almobayed

دخلت طفلتي دانة حضانة تيدي بير بداية شهر سبتمبر من العام ٢٠٢٣ لأول مرة منذ ولادتها تخرج من المنزل وتذهب الى مكان خاص فيها بعد المنزل كانت في قمة حماسها للتعلم واكتشاف أشياء جديدة وذلك بعد أن وجدنا أن عمرها لا يسمح بدخول الروضة ، فأردنا ان ندخلها في الحضانة كي تتعلم وتختلط بالاطفال وبالفعل دانة استفاد� ... للمزيد

Ms Neda

Dana Almobayed

دخلت طفلتي دانة حضانة تيدي بير بداية شهر سبتمبر من العام ٢٠٢٣ لأول مرة منذ ولادتها تخرج من المنزل وتذهب الى مكان خاص فيها بعد المنزل كانت في قمة حماسها للتعلم واكتشاف أشياء جديدة وذلك بعد أن وجدنا أن عمرها لا يسمح بدخول الروضة ، فأردنا ان ندخلها في الحضانة كي تتعلم وتختلط بالاطفال وبالفعل دانة استفادت كثيراً في هذا العام خلال دوامها في حضانة تيدي بير فقد كانت دانة تعرف من المعلومات قليلاً واللغة التي تعرفها فقط العربية وبفضل معلمات الحضانة وخصوصا معلمتها المفضلة :المس بسمة أصبحت دانة جيدة جداً باللغة الانجليزية ، شاركت بأنشطة كثيرة في الحضانة منها نشاط رائد الفضاء ،والعيد الوطني الاماراتي ،ويوم التراث العالمي،والمنتصف من شعبان (قرقيعان)، ويوم الأم ،ويوم العائلة ،ورحلات الحضانة الى حديقة الحيوانات ،ورحلة الى احواض السمك الكبيرة في ابو ظبي ،والكثير الكثير من الانشطة داخل الحضانة التي كانت سبباً كبيراً في حب دانة للحضانة . كما أن دخول دانة لحضانة تيدي بير وبفضل الاستاذة بسمة مشكورة ،كان لها دوراًكبيراً في أن تُقبل دانة في مقابلة التسجيل للروضة في مدرسة ABC . وانا كوالدة دانة أحب شكر كل من كان له دور في تطوير ابنتي وتفكيرها ونشاطها ، السيدة جالا ،والاستاذة بسمة ،ومساعداتها ،وايضا السيدة منار حرب التي كانت تحب دانة كثيرا وتعتبرها ابنة لها . مع حبي الكبير لهذه الحضانة وللقائمين عليها والدة الطفلة: دانة نداء المبيض .

Thamir Osman

Kareem Osman (Al Shamkah)

It's a pleasure to share my experience with Teddy Bear Nursery. Since my child, Kareem, has joined your esteemed institution, I have noticed a significant enhancement in his behavior, as well as major improvements in both his academic and personal growth. I find your nursery to be of high standard and I would gladly recommend it to anyone seeking a nurturing and educational environment for their child. I appreciate the hard work and dedication that your team provides every single day.

Thamir Osman

Kareem Osman (Al Shamkah)

It's a pleasure to share my experience with Teddy Bear Nursery. Since my child, Kareem, has joined your esteemed institution, I have noticed a significant enhancement in his behavior, as well as major improvements in both his academic and personal growth. I find your nursery to be of high standard and I would gladly recommend it to anyone seeking a nurturing and educational environment for their child. I appreciate the hard work and dedication that your team provides every single day.

Um Mizoun

Mizoun (Al Shamkah)

I wanted to share my experience with Teddy Bear Nursery. Of course, Teddy Bear Nursery is one of the most beautiful and prestigious nurseries based on my children's experience there. My children are now in elementary school, and those in higher grades graduated from Teddy Bear Nursery, where Mazoon is currently enrolled. The reason I chose this nursery in particular is because of its educational and recreational environment. The nursery pays attention to the smallest details in terms of cleanliness, organization, and combining education with en ... للمزيد

Um Mizoun

Mizoun (Al Shamkah)

I wanted to share my experience with Teddy Bear Nursery. Of course, Teddy Bear Nursery is one of the most beautiful and prestigious nurseries based on my children's experience there. My children are now in elementary school, and those in higher grades graduated from Teddy Bear Nursery, where Mazoon is currently enrolled. The reason I chose this nursery in particular is because of its educational and recreational environment. The nursery pays attention to the smallest details in terms of cleanliness, organization, and combining education with entertainment, making it easier for students to learn while having a great time. The nursery also has various facilities, large spaces, diverse educational activities, and educational recreational trips as well. Of course, I would like to especially thank the nursery management for their cooperation with us, their warm reception, and their daily follow-up with our children. A special thanks also to the teachers, who stood out with their kindness, care, cooperation, as well as the classroom assistant. They are a unified team aiming to educate our children, help them, and provide care, guidance, and direction. So, thank you for your efforts throughout the past years.

Um Ghaith

Ghaith (Al Shamkah)

As a mother of Ghaith I would like to give my feedback on our first year at Teddy Bear Nursery. I was on a long journey of search for the best nursery in Al Shamkha area. Truly we had such a good experience throughout the year. The place is well structured for various activities. The staff and especially the teachers are very good and my boy is now attached to them because of the way they are caring and good at treating the children. The nursery is putting an effort each time to plan lovely events and engage the parents. Communication with sta ... للمزيد

Um Ghaith

Ghaith (Al Shamkah)

As a mother of Ghaith I would like to give my feedback on our first year at Teddy Bear Nursery. I was on a long journey of search for the best nursery in Al Shamkha area. Truly we had such a good experience throughout the year. The place is well structured for various activities. The staff and especially the teachers are very good and my boy is now attached to them because of the way they are caring and good at treating the children. The nursery is putting an effort each time to plan lovely events and engage the parents. Communication with staff is easy and flexible. In addition, my little boy has gained new vocabulary in both Arabic and English. As a parent, I’ve noticed the creativity and a lot of work put in arranging activities and different events. Overall the place is clean and safe for the children. We had a successful experience (allhamdu’llah) with Teddy Bear Nursery.

Aya Kaiyal

Judy AlKarad (Al Qattara)

My baby is the first baby for our family sending her to new place new people wasn't easy but the day we enter the nursery we know that this is the right place after spending good time sharing memory's images making friend dancing learning we sure that this the best decision it a very peaceful place very cooperative stuff and friendly they fully understand what my baby need i they all work very hard to let my daughter be interested to attend the nursery every day thank all special thanks to miss Rozina and miss Yara even the communication was ... للمزيد

Aya Kaiyal

Judy AlKarad (Al Qattara)

My baby is the first baby for our family sending her to new place new people wasn't easy but the day we enter the nursery we know that this is the right place after spending good time sharing memory's images making friend dancing learning we sure that this the best decision it a very peaceful place very cooperative stuff and friendly they fully understand what my baby need i they all work very hard to let my daughter be interested to attend the nursery every day thank all special thanks to miss Rozina and miss Yara even the communication was so smoothly and cooperative between us .We had a great day and a wonderful place. We will make sure that this nursery will be our first recommendation to our friend.
Thank you

Shaikha Khalifa AlMarar

Hind Rashed AlMansoori (Al Qattara)

My child has blossomed so much during this year at nursery! Whether it's her drawing, writing, or her ability to express herself, she's become more social and independent. I absolutely adore how the nursery keeps the children engaged with fun activities every week, and it's wonderful to see her so excited to go there. As a mom, it brings me such peace knowing she's in such a nurturing environment. I'm not the least bit worried about her starting kindergarten because I know she's going to do great. A big thank you to all the amazing staff at Ted ... للمزيد

Shaikha Khalifa AlMarar

Hind Rashed AlMansoori (Al Qattara)

My child has blossomed so much during this year at nursery! Whether it's her drawing, writing, or her ability to express herself, she's become more social and independent. I absolutely adore how the nursery keeps the children engaged with fun activities every week, and it's wonderful to see her so excited to go there. As a mom, it brings me such peace knowing she's in such a nurturing environment. I'm not the least bit worried about her starting kindergarten because I know she's going to do great. A big thank you to all the amazing staff at Teddy Bear Nursery for their dedication, love, and care for our children throughout the year, especially Miss Juveline, Miss Amira, Miss Omnia, and our lovely principal, Miss Rozina. You're all amazing!
Thank you!

Hedaya AlKaabi

Hessa Khalfan AlKaabi (Al Qattara)

السلام عليكم في البداية اشكر فريق العمل في حضانة تيدي بير فهم يقدمون برامج تعليمية ممتعة ومناسبة للأعمار، ويهتمون بتطوير المهارات الاجتماعية والعاطفية والحركية للأطفال، الحضانة ممتازة من ناحية توفير بيئة آمنة ومريحة ومحببة للأطفال، انا سعيدة بانضمام ابنتي في هذه الحضانة واشكر جهودكم المبذولة

Hedaya AlKaabi

Hessa Khalfan AlKaabi (Al Qattara)

السلام عليكم في البداية اشكر فريق العمل في حضانة تيدي بير فهم يقدمون برامج تعليمية ممتعة ومناسبة للأعمار، ويهتمون بتطوير المهارات الاجتماعية والعاطفية والحركية للأطفال، الحضانة ممتازة من ناحية توفير بيئة آمنة ومريحة ومحببة للأطفال، انا سعيدة بانضمام ابنتي في هذه الحضانة واشكر جهودكم المبذولة

Reem Alkaabi

Shouq Khalifa AlDarmaki (Al Qattara)

I thank all the staff at the Teddy Bear Nursery, Miss Rosina, Miss Yara, and Nani, for their interest in my child. My daughter’s communication skills have developed. I am happy to have my daughter in the Teddy Bear Nursery.

Reem Alkaabi

Shouq Khalifa AlDarmaki (Al Qattara)

I thank all the staff at the Teddy Bear Nursery, Miss Rosina, Miss Yara, and Nani, for their interest in my child. My daughter’s communication skills have developed. I am happy to have my daughter in the Teddy Bear Nursery.

Karina AlShehhi

Ali AlShehhi (Al Qattara)

It’s safe to keep my kids in Teddy Bear nursery. People there really care. They are experienced, positive and friendly. Perfect place to trust your child.

Karina AlShehhi

Ali AlShehhi (Al Qattara)

It’s safe to keep my kids in Teddy Bear nursery. People there really care. They are experienced, positive and friendly. Perfect place to trust your child.

Shaikha Khalifa AlMarar

Hind Rashed AlMansoori (Al Qattara)

I would like to thank you and all the teachers who helped Hind to feel very confident and eager to start her first days in school. She’s doing amazing 🤩no crying no tears Hamdullah 🤲🏻and I feel that she is grown up. I’m really happy for her. She keeps telling me I’m a big girl. No need for you to stay or take me to class. 😅 She goes to the classroom by herself. I’m really proud of her. Thank you very much for for making this step easy for her. And I knew that a huge part of it was because she enrolled in Teddy so you made H ... للمزيد

Shaikha Khalifa AlMarar

Hind Rashed AlMansoori (Al Qattara)

I would like to thank you and all the teachers who helped Hind to feel very confident and eager to start her first days in school. She’s doing amazing 🤩no crying no tears Hamdullah 🤲🏻and I feel that she is grown up. I’m really happy for her. She keeps telling me I’m a big girl. No need for you to stay or take me to class. 😅 She goes to the classroom by herself. I’m really proud of her. Thank you very much for for making this step easy for her. And I knew that a huge part of it was because she enrolled in Teddy so you made Her transition to school very smooth and easy. That’s why I just wanted to say, thank you.

التسجيل لعام 2023-2022

أمّن مكان طفلك في حضانة تيدي بير اليوم